Challenger Track Tractors: Nimble Workhorses

Organic California farmer Chris Bunn says his three Challenger track tractors float across his compaction-prone fields “with great comfort and speed like ships on the sea!”

Challenger MT765B Tractors
April 14, 2017 byFarmLife

Challenger Track Tractors: Nimble Workhorses

Organic California farmer Chris Bunn says his three Challenger track tractors float across his compaction-prone fields “with great comfort and speed like ships on the sea!”

Organic farmer Chris Bunn raises four types of produce commercially and 35 crops on the demonstration farm that’s part of The Farm, his operation in Monterey County, California.

Bunn uses three Challenger® tractors extensively on his farm, all purchased in 2009. “All of our Challengers have excellent power, fuel efficiency and very friendly user applications,” he remarks. “Soil compaction in our Blanco adobe soil conditions is extremely important, and the Challengers all float across our fields with great comfort and speed like ships on the sea!”

Bunn uses his Challenger MT765B for disking and light groundwork. The 320-HP tractor offers a smooth field ride and reliable utility. And wide belts and tread spacing reduce berming created by many other track tractors.

He uses his two Challenger MT835Cs for heavy groundwork, like ripping and subsoiling. The two 410-HP tractors feature speed-sensitive differential steering, 30-inch tracks with and without ballast, 16 forward and four reverse gears, and an independent PTO, making for a powerful, yet nimble workhorse. On average, says Bunn, the MT835C’s fuel efficiency is 23 gallons per hour when running at full horsepower. The tractors also feature adjustable, vibration-reduction seats for comfort. “They’re great workhorses,” he says of his Challengers.

Bunn’s dealer is Quinn Company in Salinas. “We’ve been with Quinn for 70 years,” Bunn says of his family’s relationship over the past three generations. “They’re great, fine people with good machinery. The people who support your equipment are so important.”

Read the full story and watch the video, A Farmer’s Perspective: Immigrant Workers and Their Critical Role at

Written By:Deborah Huso

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