中国常州10月1日2020年- AGCO农业基金会(AAF)是一家位于列支敦士登的私营基金会,并致力于通过可持续农业发展结束饥饿,为4月推出的Covid-19援助计划的一部分,为APA提供超过90,000美元,提供资金支持AGCO在全球范围内运营的社区中的非营利组织。

The donation is part of the second phase of the AAF COVID-19 Aid Program, which supports emergency responses globally in communities where AGCO’s customers, dealers, suppliers and employees live and work, including in the APA region. During the first phase of the aid program, the AAF supported the emergency response by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), with a funding amount of US$100,000 concentrated on the most vulnerable populations in countries in Latin America and Africa.

请访问World Food Program USA’s donation pageto support the AAF’s funding campaign or visit theSharethemeal App并捐赠#agcoagriculture.FoundationTeam。The AGCO Agriculture Foundation matches any contribution made to this campaign up to $100,000 to double its impact by raising additional funding to feed 342 children for a year and support WFP’s lifesaving work in 83 countries, which includes initiatives to support small-scale farmers and more.

“As the effects of COVID-19 persist to disrupt world economies, developing nations are particularly affected, and our most vulnerable communities in APA need our ongoing support,” said Lucinda Smith, Board Chair, AGCO Agriculture Foundation. “We are proud to provide not only global but also local funding through our AGCO Agriculture Foundation to support resources and COVID-19 initiatives that help locals in our APA region who are heavily impacted by the pandemic and economic uncertainty.”

Each non-profit organization will utilize the donation to provide emergency responses and drive impacts to their communities. Recipients include:


对于印度戈森,捐赠将用于解决印度脆弱社区的农村基础设施,生计,教育,水,环境,健康,救灾和康复的关键差距,这已经被Covid-19大流行进一步暴露。捐款将有助于该组织在许多脆弱地区的正在进行的Rahat Covid-19倡议,该计划提供了超过330万公斤的食物包和其他必需品;超过170,000千克的新鲜蔬菜和水果,超过860,000个面罩和布料卫生垫。


中国武进慈善联合会will use the donation of US$12,000 to support poor families to aid education programs, especially for children. The institution will organize events targeted at alleviating poverty among the marginalized populations. In addition, the charity federation will provide medical masks, protective suits, COVID-19 prevention brochures, cleaning and disinfection equipment and disinfectants to poor families, students, medical workers and community workers.

“我们在AGCO中与所有实体共同合作,为所有实体借给我们最脆弱的社区,以便在这样的挑战时间内提供食物和健康用品的机会,”AGCO APA高级副总裁Gary Clinar说。“我们坚信农业行业至关重要,我们的首要任务是在整个Covid-19大流行过程中保持食物。”

AGCO.’s Bangladeshi team worked with volunteers to distribute US$5,000 worth of goods to needy families affected by the country’s self-imposed lockdown. The outreach program benefitted 1,000 families from 3 neighborhoods, and each recipient family received a care package containing eggs, rice, grains and daily essentials.

在马来西亚,AGCO大亚的团队捐赠了100套Covid-19测试套件,到了Pusat Perbatan Universiti MalayaMY AMCHAM CARESas an emergency support to those working on the frontline in all the efforts to stem the spread of COVID-19.


About AGCO Agriculture Foundation (AAF)

AGCO Corporation(纽约证券交易所股票代码:AGCO)于2018年发起的AGCO农业基金会(AAF)是一个私人基金会,愿景,以防止和缓解饥饿。该基金会启动支持粮食安全,促进可持续农业发展和建设所需的农业基础设施在边缘化的农业社区中的有影响力的计划。AAF在Vaduz,列支敦士登和运营中居住在美国,从美国佐治亚州德卢斯管理。有关更多信息,请访问

About AGCO

AGCO(纽约证券交易所股票代码:AGCO)是农业解决方案设计,制造和分销的全球领导者,并为全系列设备和相关服务提供养活世界的农民提供高科技解决方案。AGCO产品销售通过Fuse®SmartFustring解决方案支持的五个核心品牌,Challen亚博在线手机端ger®,Fendt®,GSI®,MasseyFerguson®和Valtra®。成立于1990年,总部位于美国佐治亚州德卢斯,AGCO净销售额为2019年90亿美元。有关更多信息,请访问。对于公司新闻,信息和活动,请在Twitter上关注我们:@Agcocorp.。对于financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.