引擎 - AGCO https://news.agcocorp.com网站 引擎 美国英语 周一,2020年3月2日十六点42分十四秒GMT 周一,2020年3月2日十六点42分十四秒GMT iPressroom AGCO生产部经理宋珍认识到与领先一步奖精益求精的制造 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-production-manager-jane-song-recognized-with-step-ahead-award-for-excellence-in-manufacturing-6753702 发布 佐治亚州德卢斯市。


AGCO Corporation(NYSE:AGCO),全球农业设备和解决方案制造商和经销商宣布,常州爱科动力生产部经理Jane Song荣获2019年制造业女性领先奖(科学、技术、工程和生产),制造研究所的一项倡议。



来自L:多元化和包容性人力资源人才管理总监Eric Haggard;人才管理高级经理APA Jessie He;AGCO Power生产经理Jane Song;全球业务服务高级副总裁Lucinda Smith;副总裁,人力资源部、APA和全球项目部劳里·利普卡;高级副总裁、APA总经理加里·科勒。由David Bohrer/全国制造商协会拍摄的这张照片,从工厂到C套件,这项荣誉是制造业各个级别的最佳女性中的佼佼者。

“我们感到自豪的是,这是AGCO女性连续第七年获得领先奖。AGCO全球业务服务高级副总裁Lucinda Smith说:“我们2019年的获奖者Jane Song在AGCO和她的社区每天都发挥着重要作用。&“Jane’s recognition through the STEP Ahead Program(通过提前计划获得认可)说明了特质、AGCO多样性和包容性计划的重要性。”Jane是一位杰出的女性,其职业道路对整个AGCO Power团队都是一种鼓舞,因为在中国这个行业中,领导角色在女性中并不多见。她还致力于确保她的员工获得成功履行职责所需的培训。在她的管理下,超过90%的员工拥有三站式操作矩阵技能。她的员工乐于提出改进工作流程的想法,而且由于她的指导,精益制造6S在常州的业绩非常突出。




“女性是制造业中最大的未开发潜在人才库,我们必须继续尽一切努力“促进这一领域的性别多样性,”史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods)公司事务与合规执行副总裁、STEP Ahead主席凯拉•隆巴多(Keira Lombardo)说。&“进步奖计划不仅表彰那些对全世界人民日常生活产生影响的令人难以置信的制造业女性,它向下一代女性领导人传达了一个极其有力的信息,即制造业提供了创新和富有成就感的职业,女性可以在其中茁壮成长。Lucinda Smith说:“AGCO为Jane Song的认可感到骄傲。”。最近,爱科的一些设施、部门和员工也因其在该行业的重大成就和贡献而受到表彰。这些认可的例子有:中国物流与采购联合会颁发的“中国汽车物流创新奖”;匈牙利妇女职业发展协会颁发的“最佳女性工作场所”铜牌;多元化公司lusion, by World HRD Congress; Best Place to Work in Brazil, by Love Mondays/Glassdoor; and Manufacturing Leadership Award, by National Association of Manufacturers.

About AGCO

AGCO (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural solutions and delivers high-tech solutions for farmers feeding the world through its full line of equipment and related services. AGCO products are sold through five core brands, Challenger®, Fendt®, GSI®, Massey Ferguson® and Valtra®, supported by Fuse® smart farming solutions. Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA, AGCO had net sales of $9.4 billion in 2018. For more information, visit http://www.AGCOcorp.com. For company news, information and events, please follow us on Twitter: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.

About The Manufacturing Institute

The Manufacturing Institute (the Institute) is the 501(c)(3) affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. As a non-partisan organization, the Institute is committed to delivering leading-edge information and services to the nation's manufacturers. The Institute is the authority on the attraction, qualification and development of world-class manufacturing talent. For more information, please visit www.themanufacturinginstitute.org.


Cristiane Masina
Tel. +770 813 6198

]]> 爱科 亚洲 北美 人力资源 引擎 全球的 星期三,2019年4月17日20时25分46秒GMT 三AGCO员工命名的女性在制造业的领先一步奖得主 。德卢斯,嘎 - 爱科集团(纽约证券交易所:AGCO)是一家全球制造商和农业设备和解决方案分销商,宣布三个AGCO员工收到2018 STEP(科学,技术,工程和生产)提前奖项... https://news.agcocorp.com/news/three-agco-employees-named-women-in-manufacturings-step-ahead-award-winners 佐治亚州,杜卢斯。该奖项表彰在制造业表现卓越和领导力的女性AGCO公司(纽约证券交易所:AGCO),一家全球农业设备和解决方案制造商和经销商,宣布Jane Song,生产经理。。。 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-production-manager-jane-song-recognized-with-step-ahead-award-for-excellence-in-manufacturing-6753702 周五,2019年4月12日13时59分00秒GMT AGCO电源荣获出口2018的有价值奖 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-power-awarded-the-valuable-prize-of-export-2018 发布 11月19日,坦佩雷商会和坦佩雷国际青年商会授予AGCO Power坦佩雷地区出口大奖。该奖项是对具有竞争力的产品在具有挑战性的出口市场上长期而坚定的开发和制造工作的肯定。

对AGCO Power的2018年出口奖

AGCO Power Inc.,该公司在越野发动机市场上稳步增长,已获得坦佩雷商会和坦佩雷国际青年商会颁发的2018年坦佩雷地区出口奖。




“尽管产品也在中国、巴西和阿根廷生产,但我们将诺基亚的研发工作作为重点。发动机发展面临的挑战与排放要求的实现有关,我们希望甚至领先于法规。这就是为什么我们将研发工作保留在芬兰,并在林纳沃里工厂负责的原因。公司首席执行官Juha Tervala说,我们希望确保电子和软件方面的专业知识,因此我们在坦佩雷理工大学设立了一个研究中心。对于一家进口零部件和出口发动机的公司来说,芬兰的地理位置并不理想;你必须比中欧的竞争对手做得更聪明。我们提高了自动化程度,工厂里有一百多个机器人。我们每年都提高生产率。我们并不是最便宜的,但当我们比较发动机的生命周期成本、燃油消耗量和维护成本时,我们是很好的。当然,售后服务很重要。您可能永远不会离开客户。



爱科动力 欧洲 引擎 2019年1月4日星期五格林尼治时间18:54:01 AGCO权柄给坦佩雷地区出口奖的宝贵奖由商务部坦佩雷商会和坦佩雷国际青年商会于11月19日。该奖项是长期和坚定的发展和制造工作的确认... https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-power-awarded-the-valuable-prize-of-export-2018 星期二,二零一八年十一月二十○日05:00:00 GMT AGCO电源是第五阶段的准备 https://www.agco power.com/agco-power-is-stage-v-ready/ 发布 爱科动力 亚洲 欧洲 南美洲 引擎 星期四,2018年8月2日16时08分26秒GMT AGCO电源的轨道上很好地支持我们的客户提供满足列明由第五阶段立法的新要求。 https://www.agco power.com/agco-power-is-stage-v-ready/ 周五,2018年6月29日19:00:00 GMT AGCO功率庆祝成立75周年 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-power-celluates-its-75周年纪念 发布 百万分之一发动机出厂

AGCO(纽约证券交易所:AGCO)是全球领先的农业机械和解决方案设计、制造和分销公司,正在庆祝爱科动力今年。爱科动力是爱科的全球发动机品牌,以卓越的性能和耐用性著称。&爱科集团(AGCO Corporation)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官马丁•里奇哈根(Martin Richenhagen)说:“爱科的发动机业务(如今称为爱科动力)已经提供了75年来业界领先的发动机和发电解决方案。“我们自豪地庆祝这一伟大的传统,并宣布第一百万台爱科动力发动机是在我们位于芬兰诺基亚林纳沃里的工厂生产的。


爱科动力第百万台发动机(图片:Business Wire)

超过70%的爱科产品使用爱科动力发动机。爱科动力一直在开拓减排技术的发展,早在2008年就率先在农机领域推出可控硅技术。如今,其发动机符合并超过了欧盟和美国最新的排放法规,符合Tier 4排放标准。此外,爱科动力发动机已准备好进入第五阶段。全球工程部高级副总裁赫尔穆特·恩德斯博士说:“在欧盟内部,新的排放法规将在2019年和2020年逐步实施。爱科动力在几年前就开始了第五阶段的开发,以便为变革做好准备。高质量的发动机已经在发动机实验室和不同应用中与我们的客户合作进行了测试。


爱科动力的创新成果显著改善了燃烧过程,从而为客户提供了卓越的燃油经济性。爱科动力副总裁兼总经理Juha Tervala表示,“作为发动机技术的先驱,爱科动力将继续投资研发,为苛刻的越野机械应用设计可靠耐用的发动机。除其他外,我们正在积极探索可再生燃料替代品和电力解决方案。我们致力于开发最好的发动机,让客户降低投入成本。


AGCO(NYSE:AGCO)是全球设计领域的领导者,农业设备和解决方案的制造和分销,并通过其全套设备和相关服务支持更具生产力的农业。AGCO产品通过五个核心品牌销售:Challenger®;、Fendt®;、GSI®;、Massey Ferguson®;和Valtra®;,由Fuse®;precision technologies和farm optimization services提供支持。爱科成立于1990年,总部位于美国佐治亚州杜卢斯。2017年,爱科的净销售额为83亿美元。有关详细信息,请访问http://cts.businesswire.com/ct/ct?id=smartlink&url=http%3A%2F%2网址:fww.AGCOcorp.com&;esheet=51789339&newstitemid=20180419005030&lan=en-US&anchor=http%3A%2F%2网址:fww.AGCOcorp.com&;索引=1&md5=cee7557cc9e7f7139e426a0883240cd7“rel=”nofollow“>http://www.AGCOcorp.com。有关公司新闻、信息和事件,请在Twitter上关注我们:@AGCOCorp。对于Twitter上的财经新闻,请遵循标签AGCOIR.


爱科 爱科动力 欧洲 引擎 2018年4月19日星期四格林尼治时间13:52:04 AGCO(纽约证券交易所:AGCO)是全球领先的农业机械和解决方案设计、制造和分销公司,今年将庆祝AGCO Power成立75周年。爱科动力是爱科的。。。 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/agco-power-celluates-its-75周年纪念 2018年4月19日星期四07:00:00 GMT
在南极探险队使用的麦赛福格森MF 6718拔断流露出独特的特雷勒堡ProgressiveTraction™轮胎选择的好处 http://int.masseyferguson.com/MF6718S-pull-off-reveals-benefits-of-unique-Trelleborg-ProgressiveTraction-tyres.aspx 发布 麦赛福格森 欧洲 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 2016年12月14日星期三21:53:46 GMT 一个迷人的拖拉机拉断,两个新的MF 6718 S车型之间,recently demonstrated the superior qualities of Massey Ferguson’s unique factory-fit Trelleborg ProgressiveTraction™ tyre option.

This special pull-off, held recently at Innov Agri, Outarville in France, confirmed the ProgressiveTraction™ tyres’ ability to deliver more traction. The test showed how their host MF 6718 S was able to pull more than a tractor’s length ahead of an identical tractor fitted with standard Trelleborg tyres over the 150m test track.

The advanced ProgressiveTraction™ tyre will be available as a factory-fit option exclusively for the new Massey Ferguson MF 6700 S range. It uses a double lug design to transfer more traction and deliver other benefits - as proven on a Massey Ferguson’s Antarctica2 expedition in December 2014, when an MF 5610 became the first tractor fitted with pneumatic tyres to reach the South Pole.
Trelleborg worked closely with Massey Ferguson’s engineering team to develop the tyres for travelling at maximum traction and safety in the severe environment, as well as reduce fuel consumption.

The ProgressiveTraction™ tyres, used on the Antarctica2 expedition, employ a special double lug design, which operates on the ground at different times, progressively releasing higher traction when and where required. The double lug also provides the tyre with better flotation capability at low pressure.

The pull-off used two MF 6718 S tractors, which were identical apart from their tyres. One was equipped with the latest Trelleborg TM800 ProgressiveTraction™ 650/65R38 and 540/65R28, while the second one was fitted with standard TM800 tyres.

These two tractors were linked together with a wire rope, running through a pulley on the hitch of a heavily ballasted MF 8730 brake tractor, fitted in Trelleborg TM1000 High Power tyres.

During the pull-off the two MF 6718 S tractors ran at the same engine rpm and gear to travel at a target speed of 5km/hr down a 150m long test track. The larger, MF 8730 set off in the same direction, travelling at a slower speed to provide a ‘moving brake’. With the rope free to move around the pulley it enabled the tractor transferring the most power to the ground to move ahead of the other one.

“This visual spectacle shows, quiet clearly, the ProgressiveTraction™ tyre option on the MF 6718 S really is capable of delivering some enormous benefits. You can actually see the gains and realise the huge savings that can come from cultivating 4m-5m more land in every 150m,” said Campbell Scott, Massey Ferguson Director Marketing Services.

“ProgressiveTraction™ tyres are the perfect match for the new MF 6718 S – the first four-cylinder agricultural tractor capable of delivering 200hp, with Engine Power Management (EPM). This compact, powerful engine reduces the overall size of the tractor, providing an outstanding power to weight ratio to combine the highest performance with excellent agility and economy,” adds Mr Scott.

http://int.masseyferguson.com/MF6718S-pull-off-reveals-benefits-of-unique-Trelleborg-ProgressiveTraction-tyres.aspx 星期三,2016年9月21日00:00:00 GMT
亚博在线手机端挑战者引进了坚固、精密的MT400E中档拖拉机 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/亚博在线手机端challenger-introducts-tough-experienced-mt400e-mid-range-tractors公司 发布

内布拉斯加州格兰德岛(2016年9月14日)–挑战者®;,全球品牌//www.namstec.com/“target=”\u blank“>爱科公司(纽约证券交易所:爱科),在2016年Husker Harvest Days推出了MT400E系列拖拉机。本系列中的五款新车型具有挑战者的坚韧性和挑战者提供的中级拖拉机中最强大的功能。由于发动机最大马力额定值从120到160,并可选择三种变速器选项,包括TechStar™(CVT),它们非常适合在畜牧业和行作物作业中全面使用。型号包括MT455E(120马力)、MT465E(130马力)、MT475E(140马力)、MT485E(150马力)和MT495E(160马力)。

“预习过这些拖拉机的客户对这种功率、稳定性和提升能力的拖拉机提供的一系列操作方便性印象深刻。凭借我们可选的行业专用多功能操纵杆和三种变速箱选项等功能,许多客户发现MT400E系列为他们的操作提供了正确的组合,”Eric Zimmerman说,AGCO战术营销经理。






不带柴油颗粒过滤器的Tier 4最终动力

挑战者MT400E系列拖拉机使用符合EPA Tier 4最终排放标准的4.9L AGCO power™4缸柴油发动机,采用选择性催化还原(SCR)技术&无柴油颗粒过滤器,无再生要求,无废气再循环系统。发动机吸入由配备电子废气旁通阀的新涡轮增压器提供的中冷进气,并由29000 psi燃油喷射系统供给。发动机的维修间隔为600小时。






  • TechStar CVT,一款无离合器组的真正的无级变速变速器,能够以31英里/小时的速度行驶。
  • AutoPower VI,24F/24R半动力换档,每个档位有4档和6档动力换档,道路速度可达31英里/小时。
  • 标准AutoPower IV,16F/16R半动力换档,4档和4档每档动力换档,最大行驶速度可达25英里/小时。

“power Management system operates automatically without operator involvement,” Zimmerman says.

Improved ride and traction available through dampened suspension

The MT400E Series uses a proven front axle with QuadLink suspension, fully adjustable from the cab. The linkage has 4.5 inches of travel and is controlled by a single hydraulic cylinder and accumulator mounted in the axle housing.

Cab suspension for the MT400E Series tractors includes regular mechanical suspension or an optional active mechanical system which allows dampening forces to be increased from the cab, on-the-go, up to 15% in the field and 30% on the road.

High visibility cab adds to operator comfort and efficiency

Ergonomically-designed cab controls keep operator efficiency high with a multi-function joystick for tractor operation. Also, well-designed pillar controls and a 50% larger, brightly-lighted, multi-colored digital Setup and Information Screen (SIS) and analog center dash control display help the operator monitor system functions and manage the hydraulic system.

Another benefit of the MT400E Series is improved visibility, made possible due to the compact emission control system allowing AGCO engineers to use a slimmer, offset exhaust stack tucked neatly behind the cab pillar.

In addition, the MT400E Series offers optional Fast Steering, allowing the operator to adjust the steering ratio for more or fewer turns of the steering wheel so loading and headland turns are faster and easier.

Outside, all models have 540/1000 PTOs. With the TechStar CVT transmission, up to four PTO options are available including Economy operation selections along with a choice of open or closed center hydraulics.

For more information about the new Challenger MT400E Series tractors, contact your local Challenger dealer or visit www.challenger-ag.us. Be sure to follow Challenger on Facebook (@ChallengerAg).

# # #

High resolution video is available upon request.


Lindsey Pettyjohn, AGCO | Lindsey.Pettyjohn@AGCOcorp.com

Dee Weeda, Dee Weeda Communications | dee@deeweedacomm.com | 641-344-0757

NEWS: Visit www.AGCOnews.com/na for the latest news and information from AGCO.

©2016 AGCO Corporation. Challenger is a registered trademark of Caterpillar Inc. and is used under license by AGCO. AGCO Power and TechStar are trademarks of AGCO.

About AGCO

AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural solutions and supports more productive farming through its full line of equipment and related services. AGCO products are sold through five core brands, Challenger,® Fendt,® GSI,® Massey Ferguson® and Valtra,® supported by Fuse® precision technologies and farm optimization services, and are distributed globally through a combination of approximately 3,000 independent dealers and distributors in more than 140 countries. Founded in 1990, AGCO is headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA. In 2015, AGCO had net sales of $7.5 billion. For more information, visit http://www.AGCOcorp.com. For company news, information and events, please follow us on Twitter: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.


4205 River Green Parkway, Duluth, GA 30096-2563 USA
Telephone: 770-813-9200 www.AGCOnews.com/na

亚博在线手机端 爱科动力 北美 技术 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 周五,2017年1月6日16时07分52秒GMT 具有多种选择和三种传输选择5款新品推出高规格的性能 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/亚博在线手机端challenger-introducts-tough-experienced-mt400e-mid-range-tractors公司 星期三,2016年9月14日00:00:00 GMT
麦赛福格森推出了世界上第一个200马力的四缸拖拉机 - 该MF 6718小号 http://int.masseyferguson.com/MF-introducts-the-worlds-first-200hp-4缸拖拉机-the-MF6718S.aspx 发布 麦赛福格森 爱科动力 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 周三,2016年12月14日22时05分13秒GMT Massey Ferguson is pleased to announce it is setting a new standard with the introduction of the MF 6700 S Series, which includes the world’s first 200 hp, four-cylinder agricultural tractor.

Its unrivalled four-cylinder power, manoeuvrability and agility puts the MF 6700 S in a class of its own. Massey Ferguson’s new ‘S Effect’ takes maximum four-cylinder engine output to 200hp (with Engine Power Management) for the first time in the MF 6718 S, which along with five other new models, will be introduced at Innov-Agri, Outerville, France on 6th to 8th September.

The compact, powerful engine, a 2.67m wheelbase and a turning radius of just 4.75m also makes the MF 6718 S the most manoeuvrable 200hp agricultural tractor. With an exceptional power to weight ratio, the tractor combines the highest performance with optimum economy.

Light and nimble for loader operations, the MF 6700 S Series also provides the strength, hydraulic power and lift capacity for heavy duty fieldwork.

The six new models in the MF 6700 S Series are powered by the very latest AGCO Power 4.9 litre, four-cylinder engine. This generates maximum powers from 120hp to 175hp, with Engine Power Management (EPM), boosting output on all models - up to 200hp on the largest, MF 6718 S.

“Massey Ferguson invented the concept of the high power, four-cylinder tractor, with the original MF 6600 breaking new ground and creating a completely new class of 150hp+ tractors. Now, with the ‘S effect’ we are further advancing performance this sector up to 200hp on the MF 6718 S,” says Campbell Scott, Massey Ferguson Director Marketing Services.

“The advanced engine develops its maximum power at just 2,000rpm and generates maximum torque at 1,500rpm, which means it delivers exceptional fuel economy combined with superb pulling power – and with plenty in reserve. This provides users with the operating benefits associated with larger, longer and heavier six cylinder tractors, but in a compact and extremely light machine,” he adds.

“The only comparison with the MF 6600 Series is its looks. The MF 6700 S Series contains considerable changes and new developments in engine design, transmission choice, hydraulic output, four-speed PTO and superb cab comfort,” he adds.

http://int.masseyferguson.com/MF-introducts-the-worlds-first-200hp-4缸拖拉机-the-MF6718S.aspx 2016年9月6日星期二00:00:00 GMT
新麦赛福格森6700S系列的中端型拖拉机提供高规格的性能 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/new-massey-ferguson-6700s-series-mid-range-tractors-offer-high-spec-performance公司 发布

爱荷华州布恩市(2016年8月31日)–Massey Ferguson®;,全球品牌//www.namstec.com/“target=”\u blank“>爱科公司(纽约证券交易所:爱科), 在2016年农业进步展期间,向生产商介绍了6700S系列拖拉机。这三个型号的系列包括最大的,装备最齐全的中级麦赛福格森拖拉机提供。最大发动机马力额定值为140、150和160,可选择三种变速箱,包括Dyna VT™(CVT),非常适合用于中型到大型的奶牛场和较小的行作物作业。型号包括MF6714S、MF6715S和MF6716S。





不带柴油颗粒过滤器的Tier 4最终动力

Massey Ferguson 6700S系列拖拉机由4.9L AGCO power&trade提供动力;使用选择性催化还原(SCR)的4缸柴油机符合EPA Tier 4最终排放标准,这意味着无柴油颗粒过滤器、无再生要求和无废气再循环系统。发动机吸入由配备电子废气旁通阀的新涡轮增压器提供的中冷进气,并由29000 psi燃油喷射系统供给。6700S系列中的所有三款车型的发动机维修间隔均为600小时。




三种变速箱选项可确保拖拉机配备与当前工作和操作员匹配的设备;的首选项。为了有效地将电力输送到地面,并从每加仑柴油中获得最大的生产力,爱科工程师为6700S系列配备了发动机功率管理(EPM)。这种先进的电子发动机和变速器管理系统可在工作条件需要时进行调整,以提供更多的燃油,从而提供在野外和道路上实现最佳性能所需的额外动力。 ;


  • Dyna-VT,一种无离合器组的真正的连续可变变速器,能够以31英里/小时的速度行驶。
  • Dyna-6,24F/24R半动力换档,每个档位有4个档位和6个动力换档,道路速度可达31英里/小时。
  • 标准Dyna-4,16F/16R半动力换档,4档,每档4个动力换档,最大行驶速度可达25英里/小时。




Cab suspension for the 6700S Series tractors includes regular mechanical suspension or an optional active mechanical system which allows dampening forces to be increased from the cab, on-the-go up to 15% in the field and 30% on the road.

High visibility cab adds to operator comfort and efficiency

Ergonomically-designed cab controls keep operator efficiency high with a multi-function joystick for tractor operation. Also, well-designed pillar controls and a 50% larger, brightly-lighted multi-colored digital and analog center dash control display helps with keeping track of system functions and hydraulic system management.

Another benefit of the 6700S Series is improved visibility made possible by the compact emission control system which allows AGCO engineers to use a slimmer, offset exhaust stack tucked neatly behind the cab pillar. The Series also features AGCO’s high visibility design Visio Roof.

In addition, the 6700S Series also offers optional SpeedSteer, which allows the operator to adjust the steering ratio for more or fewer turns of the steering wheel, making loading and headland turns faster and easier.

Outside, all models have 540/1000 PTOs, and with the Dyna-VT transmission, up to four PTO options are available with optional Economy operation selections, along with a choice of open or closed center hydraulics.

 For more information about the new Massey Ferguson 6700S Series tractors, contact your local Massey Ferguson dealer or visit www.masseyferguson.us/products/tractors/ .


麦赛福格森 北美 技术 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 2017年2月6日,星期一,22:54:10 GMT 有多种选择和三种变速箱选择,三款140-160马力的机型非常适合中大型奶牛场和小行作物作业 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/new-massey-ferguson-6700s-series-mid-range-tractors-offer-high-spec-performance公司 星期三,2016年8月31日00:00:00 GMT
Massey Ferguson 5700/6700系列提供价值极高的大型拖拉机砂 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/massey-ferguson-5700-6700-series-offer-big-tractor-grit-at-a-great-value 发布

爱荷华州布恩市(2016年8月31日)–Massey Ferguson®;,全球品牌//www.namstec.com/“target=”\u blank“>爱科公司(纽约证券交易所:爱科),新5700和6700系列扩展了其重型多用途拖拉机系列,为100至130马力范围内的拖拉机提供了出色的重量和提升能力。这些拖拉机是在2016年农场进步展上推出的,并加入了Massey Ferguson最近推出的4700系列,以完善新的全球系列。MF5710和MF5711是100马力和110马力的拖拉机,而MF6712和MF6713分别提供120马力和130马力。

“5700和6700系列拖拉机是爱科最新最先进工厂生产的通用平台拖拉机,AGCO战术营销经理沃伦·莫里斯(Warren Morris)表示,该公司利用了Massey Ferguson长期的生产经验,采用面向模块的制造方法,使部件标准化,降低成本,提高产品质量和性能。&“他们加入了我们新的全球系列产品中的4700系列,从一张白纸开始,从成千上万的客户输入。全系列产品将在全球范围内销售,每一款机型都是为在最苛刻的环境中运行而制造的。“5700和6700系列产品绝对是无稽之谈,经久耐用的机器,具有重量、功率和多功能性,可处理最艰巨的工作。这些辛勤工作的拖拉机提供了一定程度的造型和符合人体工程学的设计,这些设计通常出现在高价产品中,是Massey Ferguson强大的实用拖拉机产品的有力补充。除了他们的肌肉,他们的特点是简单,直观的控制,使他们非常容易使用。他们配备的驾驶室提供顶级的可视性和舒适性,噪音水平极低。


所有车型都有配备12FX12R的四轮驱动,带电液换向杆的2档动力换向。工厂安装的爬行器也可用。对于寻求更基本拖拉机的操作员,可选择配备2WD或12FX12R 2档Syncro穿梭变速箱的车型。两个新系列中的所有四个型号在工厂都配备了子午线轮胎,以提高负载下的稳定性,减少田间压实度,提高驾驶舒适性。


全球5700和6700系列拖拉机都是开放式的,双泵机器,总流量为25.9 gpm,流向后部液压遥控器。它们标配两个出厂阀,第三个可选阀可由经销商安装。



Massey Ferguson全球4700系列,5700和6700系列多用途拖拉机是爱科历史上最大的单一制造和新产品项目的成果。基于广泛的客户研究声音,该产品在开发这些新拖拉机时利用了爱科的全球资源和多国工程专业知识。The results are tractors with 21st century design and manufacturing standards, reliable operation and a broad range of power, specifications and options to suit the needs of customers around the world – all backed by AGCO’s global Parts and Service support and a network of approximately 3,000 distributors and dealers worldwide. For the North American market, the Global Series tractors are manufactured in Changzhou in China, AGCO’s newest manufacturing facility.

For more information about the new Massey Ferguson 5700 and 6700 Series tractors, contact your local Massey Ferguson dealer or visit www.masseyferguson.us/products/tractors/.   

# # #

High-resolution video available upon request.


Lindsey Pettyjohn, AGCO | Lindsey.Pettyjohn@AGCOcorp.com

Dee Weeda, Dee Weeda Communications | 641-344-0757 | dee@deeweedacomm.com

NEWS: Visit AGCOnews.com/na for the latest news and information from AGCO.

©2016 AGCO Corporation. MASSEY FERGUSON® is a worldwide brand of AGCO. AGCO Power is a global trademark of AGCO or its affiliates.

About AGCO

AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural solutions and supports more productive farming through its full line of equipment and related services. AGCO products are sold through five core brands, Challenger,® Fendt,® GSI,® Massey Ferguson® and Valtra,® supported by Fuse® precision technologies and farm optimization services, and are distributed globally through a combination of approximately 3,000 independent dealers and distributors in more than 140 countries. Founded in 1990, AGCO is headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA. In 2015, AGCO had net sales of $7.5 billion. For more information, visit http://www.AGCOcorp.com. For company news, information and events, please follow us on Twitter: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.


4205 River Green Parkway, Duluth, GA 30096-2563 USA
Telephone: 770-813-9200 www.AGCOnews.com/na

麦赛福格森 北美 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 周三,2016年12月21日18点34分52秒GMT 四款新机型完善了爱科70至130马力的全球系列拖拉机阵容 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/massey-ferguson-5700-6700-series-offer-big-tractor-grit-at-a-great-value 星期三,2016年8月31日00:00:00 GMT
芬特推出新的1000 VARIO拖拉机 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/fendt-unveils-new-1000-vario-tractors 发布

肯塔基州路易斯维尔(2016年2月11日)---Fendt®;,一个全球品牌//www.namstec.com/“>AGCO Corporation(纽约证券交易所:AGCO),推出了新款Fendt®;1000台Vario®;拖拉机在2016年全国农机展上亮相,为北美生产商带来了一个全新的轮式农作物拖拉机动力领域。新的1000瓦里奥提供四种型号:1038(380马力)、1042(420马力)、1046(460马力)和1050(500马力)。这些功能强大、省油的拖拉机专为最重的牵引作业而设计,而且紧凑、灵活、多用途,可处理在道路上需要最佳性能的作业。

在真正的Fendt工程传统中,1000 Vario采用创新技术,提供前所未有的动力和效率。革命性的Fendt iD™高扭矩、低发动机转速概念将新的12.4L六缸发动机与下一代Fendt Vario变速箱结合在一起。设计上的进步创造了一种全新传动系统的综合方法,即允许智能四轮管理的VarioDrive™传动系统。优越的操作舒适性和便利性以及智能连接确保Fendt 1000 Vario满足当今农业最佳运行操作的需要。

“Fendt iD是我们最新的工程突破,它确保1000 Vario的各个方面完美协调地工作,以获得最佳的功率和效率,&芬特公司的战术营销经理乔希·基尼说。“从新的六缸发动机到传动系和变速箱、冷却系统和液压系统,所有部件都精确地协同工作,确保这些拖拉机始终在最大扭矩范围内以最高的燃油效率运行。rdquo;

低的空载重量仅略高于30000磅,使这些拖拉机成为理想的工作环境需要较低的地面压力,如播种。灵活的压载允许Fendt 1000 Vario根据工作需要进行压载,其最大重量为基础重量的50%。模块化设备选项,如1000 RPM动力输出(PTO)和大量液压、挂接装置和悬挂机构选项可确保拖拉机与所有传统机具兼容。 ;

一款革命性概念的新型发动机为Fendt 1000 Vario提供动力,工程师选择了一款配备VTG涡轮增压器的紧凑型MAN 12.4L六缸柴油发动机。VTG涡轮增压器可在更宽的转速范围内调整以优化所需的气流,从而在较低的转速范围内最大限度地提高功率和扭矩。对于Fendt 1050,最大扭矩1770 ft/lb在1100转/分时已经可用,非常适合于重型牵引作业。Fendt 1000 Vario符合最新排放标准EU 4级/Tier 4最终版,采用不带柴油氧化催化剂(DOC)或柴油颗粒过滤器(DPF)的可控硅排气技术。以1200转/分的节油速度可达到31英里/小时的最高行驶速度。


Fendt无级变速器已通过采用静液压机械功率分配来接合液压泵和两个独立的传动系统进行了增强连接到前轴和后轴的液压马达。Fendt VarioDrive传动系统是第一个独立驱动两个轴的传动系统,自动传递动力和控制扭矩分配,以优化牵引力,无论地面条件如何,提高机动性,并允许完全自动化的四轮驱动。到目前为止,传统的变速器以固定的传动比向后轴提供扭矩,而当四轮驱动接合时,前轴也是如此。


“这些传动系增强功能使1000型拖拉机能够灵活响应其尺寸和“权力,真的让他们在这一类人中脱颖而出,”基尼说。“通过弯道和转弯时,VarioDrive提供的主动前轮驱动将拖拉机拉入弯道。在野外,它可以减少10%的转弯半径。此外,VarioDrive的“pull-through”将通常的wea最小化r on the front tires caused by turning on the road.”

Modern cooling technology – the Concentric Air System (CAS)

The Concentric Air System (CAS) cooling technology on the Fendt 1000 Vario also was developed for low engine speeds and efficiency. At the heart of the CAS is a concentric high-capacity fan that draws in cool, dense air and presses it through the radiator. The slight upward tilt of the fan, directed air flow and a round fan hood ensure a wide air stream and reduce the intake of dirt and crop residues.

To maintain constantly high cooling capacity in dusty environments, an optional reversing function is available allowing the CAS to change direction, blowing dust and crop residues from the grill and saving time and labor.

For optimum efficiency, the CAS is driven by its own hydraulic motor, so it is autonomous of the engine speed and can be activated independently, according to need. Compared to a standard fan, the highly efficient, need-based design of this cooling system requires as much as 70 percent less drive power. Finally, the cooling system’s compact design as well as position directly over the front axle permits an excellent steering angle, for exceptional maneuverability of the Fendt 1000 Vario.

State-of-the-art technology

The Fendt 1000 Vario offers a full suite of the latest Fuse® Connected Services, AGCO’s next-generation technology approach to match the needs of modern precision farming practices.

The Fendt Varioterminal™ provides operators a single access point to all information and controls for the tractor, implement, guidance and documentation. The 10.4-inch terminal is conveniently mounted on an accessory bar off the operator seat armrest and can be positioned for the best visibility of the monitor and work at hand. The Varioterminal has a smartphone look and feel, and it features greater contrast for better readability, connections for two color cameras and boasts VarioDocTM and VarioDoc Pro task management and record keeping functionality.

“Fendt tractors have always been appreciated by operators for their comfort, power, ease of use and technology offering. The 1000 Vario won’t disappoint, adding another level of precision capability to its operation,” Keeney says. All Fuse precision farming and remote monitoring technologies are accessible through the fully integrated Varioterminal. 

  • New VarioGuide™ automated steering ensures a reliable, accurate course without active steering, even in difficult conditions. Choose from NovAtel® or Trimble® GNSS receivers.
  • ISOBUS-capable implements are controlled via the Varioterminal or their control can easily be assigned to the convenient joystick.
  • Fully automatic SectionControl prevents overlap and saves valuable seed, fertilizer and pesticides. Set the rates and on-off functions for exacting placement from start to finish.
  • Employ Variotronic™ headland management for precise timing and effortless turning at field edges and point rows.
  • Choose VarioDoc Pro, now available with variable rate control for prescription application using field data created and saved in the VarioDoc field database. Step up to VarioDoc Pro to add GPS position data and the ability to wirelessly transfer data in near real-time.
  • Improve efficiency and increase machine utilization through remote monitoring and management with the AgCommand® telemetry system and Fuse Connected Services. Two levels of Fuse Connected Services are available to help minimize downtime and enable remote equipment and operational support from the local Fendt dealer are also available. With Fuse Connected Services, operators can call up the diverse consultation and service features offered by their Fendt dealer directly over the Varioterminal on the tractor, increasing uptime during operation.

For more information about Fendt tractors, see your Fendt dealer, or click on http://www.fendt.com/us.

# # # #

©2016 AGCO Corporation. Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO. Fuse and AgCommand are registered trademarks of AGCO and FendtiD, Vario, VarioDoc, Variotronic, VarioDrive, Varioterminal and VarioGuide are trademarks of AGCO or its affiliates. NovaTel is a registered trademark of NovAtel Inc., Trimble is a registered trademark of Trimble Navigation Ltd.


About AGCO

AGCO Corporation (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural equipment. AGCO supports more productive farming through a full line of tractors, combines, hay tools, sprayers, forage equipment, grain storage and protein production systems, seeding and tillage implements, and replacement parts. AGCO products are sold through five core equipment brands, Challenger,® Fendt,® GSI,® Massey Ferguson® and Valtra,® and are distributed globally through a combination of approximately 3,100 independent dealers and distributors in more than 140 countries. Founded in 1990, AGCO is headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA. In 2014, AGCO had net sales of $9.7 billion. For more information, visit http://www.AGCOcorp.com. For company news, information and events, please follow us on Twitter: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on Twitter, please follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.


芬特 北美 技术 拖拉机和机具 引擎 发电 周五,2017年1月6日16时48分27秒GMT 肯塔基州路易斯维尔(2016年2月11日)--爱科公司(NYSE:AGCO)的全球品牌Fendt®在2016年全国农机展上发布了新款Fendt®1000 Vario®拖拉机,为北美生产商带来了全新的动力。。。 https://news.agcocorp.com/news/fendt-unveils-new-1000-vario-tractors 2016年2月11日星期四00:00:00 GMT